Examples and Uses
RideStats can provide everything from member management to calendar services, ride registration, detailed reporting, and club management. Functions are too lengthy to provide screen shots of everything, but below are some of the highlights.
If you have questions, just send an email to info@ridestats.bike
- Multiple Views, by month, by week, by day
- Mobile Friendly Views
- SEO friendly
- Sharable Detailed Views for Rides
- Sunrise and Sunset calculated automatically
- Integrated registration
- Optional Ride Approval Process
- Location sharing
- RideWithGPS integration for individual and club accounts
- Ride Templating to avoid cutting/pasting content
- Much more!
The calendar module is the centerpiece of RideStats. Use it alone or in conjunction with registration. Features such as Ride Approval make managing rides easy for large clubs with hundreds of ride leaders and thousands of rides a year.
Ride Reporting
Reporting becomes very easy, particularly when integrated with registration. All information is automatically completed. Riders can be added with an autocomplete member search as well.
Randonneuring organizations can optionally integrate with RUSA and have access to RUSA Ids at membership, registration and reporting time. Ride time is automatically calculated from the date and finish time.
Reporting can be done either after the ride or during the ride by volunteers. RideStats updates to show who has finished and who has not along with a summary.

Customize your site
Your brand is important. RideStats let’s you customize the look and feel to fit with your club.
- Club Banner
- Links to another club site
- Club Email
- Color Scheme
- Image Gallery
- Custom Pages and Menus
- Optionally obfuscate rider identities
The site can be used with a variety of membership systems and membership has a web service front end making it easy to integrate for existing clubs. Little to no web development experience is needed.
Easy Registration (Optional)
An option with or with charging riders for rides. Ride registration is integrated with Club Membership to provide members with easy sign up. Rider information is verified without exposing details at the club’s option.
PayPal integration is also easy to do and requires just 3 cut and paste values.
Clubs are free to ask riders for verification of a customized waiver at registration time and options to ask for a wet signature as well.
Screens and emails keep leaders abreast of all sign-ups and accounting.